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Vinyl Windows

Vinyl Windows are windows made out of a plastic material, PVC. Vinyl windows were first developed in the 1970s, to compete against costlier wood windows. Despite their relative youth, vinyl windows now account for roughly the same market share as wood windows. Most people can recognize vinyl windows thanks to an initial uniformity in craftsmanship; they are the white windows made out of a plastic material. Only within the past two decades have vinyl windows come in other colors than white.

They are so popular now because they are the most affordable. Some brands are as much as half the price of their wood counterparts. Vinyl windows aren’t as durable as wood windows, but they can last over 20 years. A quality vinyl window will also save you money on energy bills because the insulation in the frame of the window itself is energy efficient. Additionally, vinyl windows require no maintenance because they never need painting or scraping. Overall, vinyl windows give you a great bang for your buck. Yet, regardless of all these benefits, wood windows remain the gold standard in the replacement window industry.

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